Anera Ventures

Anera Ventures connects investors with amazing people and projects in the Middle East that are making great things happen, and having a positive impact! Together, with impact investment, we can do so much more!

Why support impact investing?

Your money goes further. Whether with upfront impact investments, or pay-for-results outcomes payments, you can be part of an increased investment towards positive social impact. As your investment is repaid, with interest, you can reinvest it in more social impact.

You care about helping to solve the world’s challenges and reaching the sustainable development goals, and know that charitable gifts and grant funding alone will not get us there.

You can be a trailblazer in the Middle East. Though impact investment is rapidly growing in popularity globally, it is still nascent in Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan.

You’ll support us in scaling impact using alternative sources of funding above and beyond traditional grants to help initiatives reach more people.

You provide vital, sustainable support to countries that rely on development aid, when economies are strained and governments are cutting back on spending on social programs.

Impact investing is a triple bottom line. Anera is able to achieve social, environmental and economic benefits across its activities with the potential to re-invest for good.


About Anera Ventures

Anera is working with individuals and institutions who seek to create opportunities for a brighter future in the Middle East.

Impact investing is an important vehicle for making capital available for social good. In 2020, the Anera Board of Directors created Anera Ventures LLC to attract impact investments that open and scale opportunities for refugees and other vulnerable communities in Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan.

Anera is a nonprofit humanitarian organization dedicated to providing aid and opportunity to refugee and other vulnerable communities since 1968. Alongside the program support provided from charitable giving and institutional grants, Anera is scaling our development projects in ways that may not be possible through a reliance on traditional funding models alone.

Anera Ventures presents an exciting opportunity to deliver impact through long-term and sustainable funding that focuses on economic development within Anera’s core sectors of agriculture, education, health, water and sanitation.

Impact investments can help to scale programs and businesses that include career accelerator training in software coding, rooftop farming, early childhood development, supporting women entrepreneurs, vocational training, building community infrastructure and promoting solid waste management.


Our Approach

Anera is focused on addressing key development challenges, targeting a range of approaches with the potential to scale social impact. We seek to support innovative program initiatives that deliver products or services and unique business models – all to the benefit of vulnerable communities across Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan.

Anera Ventures applies impact investment towards our existing or future programs that have the potential to scale up for ever greater numbers of individuals and levels of impact. We also seek to develop the economy of the region through investment in small and mid-sized enterprises in Anera’s core sectors of agriculture, education, entrepreneurship, health, water and sanitation.

Our Vision: Thousands of economic opportunities for disadvantaged populations are created through catalyzing impact investment in the Levant region with a focus on impactful, sustainable development of programs and small and mid-sized enterprises, generating thousands of economic opportunities for disadvantaged populations.

Our Mission: To advance the well-being of refugees and other vulnerable communities in the Middle East by investing in innovative programs and revenue-generating enterprises that scale and achieve self-sufficiency in vulnerable communities in the Middle East.

Our Impact: Ventures prioritizes programs that contribute to reaching objectives in seven of the world’s sustainable development goal (SDG) areas, all of which connect to and build on Anera’s major programmatic focus areas:

SDG--Sustainable Development Goal 1: No Poverty
SDG--Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education
SDG--Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality
SDG--Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
SDG--Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG--Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG #1: No Poverty
Ensure that all men and women, in particular those who are impoverished and vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance.

SDG #3: Good Health And Well-Being
Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health.

SDG #4: Quality Education
Substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have skills they need for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.

SDG #5: Gender Equality
Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.

SDG #6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation (WASH). Strengthen the participation of local communities in improving WASH management.

SDG #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make urban areas sustainable by ensuring access to safe and affordable housing, creating green public spaces, and improving urban planning and management so they're inclusive.

Graphic showing the benefits of Anera Ventures

Get involved

We are seeking investors and outcomes (“pay-for-results”) payers interested in supporting a portfolio of impactful programs that includes training IT professionals to fill in-demand jobs, providing access to affordable and sustainable energy and water where resources are scarce, and building infrastructure and providing best-practice early childhood development to give preschoolers the best start in life.

Investment options

  • Impact investor: a person or organization that puts money into a strategy that aims to generate specific, positive social or environmental effects in addition to financial gains.
  • Outcome payer: a person or organization that pays for the social impact outcomes of an impact bond
  • Development impact bonds (DIBs): like social impact bonds, DIBs are results-based contracts in which private investors provide pre-financing for social programs and public sector or other donor agencies pay back investors their principal plus a return if, and only if, these programs succeed in delivering social outcomes.
  • Blended finance: the strategic use of a variety of development finance for the mobilization of additional support towards scaling and sustaining human development in developing countries. Blended finance brings together philanthropy, government funding and private sector investors with different risk appetites.

Are you interested in learning more? Please get in touch with Anera’s Chief Development Officer Derek Madsen at [email protected] or 202-266-9700.



Anera on the Ground Report

The Tech Ecosystem in Palestine

Anera conducted this assessment of the tech ecosystem in Palestine to inform our career accelerator program strategy and to provide a resource for other actors working on programs in the same space.

Anera on the Ground Report

Before the Taps Run Dry

A look at the deteriorating conditions of water, sanitation and wastewater management in Gaza, and the efforts by the Gazan people, together with some international actors, to forestall the further degradation of living standards.