The Olive Press

Roots in Palestine: Dedicated to Palestinian Refugees Since 1968

by Anera

May 15, 2024

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For Palestinians around the world, May 15th marks the “Nakba” (literally “disaster” or “catastrophe” in Arabic) which commemorates the 1948 Palestinian exodus during the establishment of the State of Israel. Nakba Day 2022 For Palestinians around the world, May 15th marks the “Nakba” (literally “disaster” or “catastrophe” in Arabic) which commemorates the 1948 Palestinian exodus…

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Reviving the Tradition of Community Kitchens in Gaza

by Anera

Feb 2, 2024

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Anera is delivering food to displaced, hungry families in Gaza through community kitchens we’re calling tekia (takiyya, tkiya), based on a beautifully simple concept that began almost 10 centuries ago. Historians differ on the exact the word to describe these kitchens – tekia, ‘imaret, aqhane or darü’z-ziyafe – but what we know for sure is…

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A Primer on Gaza

by Anera

Jan 11, 2024

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The Gaza Strip is a 25-mile long stretch of coastal land (141 square miles, 365 square kilometers) that is home to a growing population of more than two million people. For such a small place, Gaza has a name everyone recognizes around the globe, but few really understand its history, culture and overall situation. Early…

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From Home to Homeless in Gaza

Dec 31, 2023

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Greetings from Gaza, the most miserable place in the world, where rivers are made of blood not water. I am writing to share the latest chapter of my story, as I am certain that my and other Gazans’ experiences right now are profound enough to fill volumes with accounts that have yet to cross anyone’s…

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Celebrating Hayat

Dec 21, 2023

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Last Thursday’s dawn, my daughter arrived – a triumph over fear and anticipation. We named her Hayat (“Life”) because her birth is a victory of life amid the death and devastation we are experiencing daily in Gaza. With her first touch, my mind traveled through the 70 days of bombing, displacement, hunger and thirst. Life,…

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What I Saw in Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon

May 25, 2023

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I joined Anera in 2015. When I first started, I was taken aback at just how impressive and thoughtful Anera’s programs were (and still are!). The humanitarian and development needs in the communities where Anera works are frequently all too visible, and often it is tempting to rush in with stopgap measures to address acute distress.

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Breast Cancer Under Occupation: a Personal Perspective

Mar 16, 2023

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Breast cancer is a disease that affects millions of women around the world. In fact, one in every eight women will get breast cancer in their lifetime. For women living in conflict zones, including the West Bank and Gaza, breast cancer can be particularly scary. When I first learned about the high breast cancer death…

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The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the Middle East

Dec 16, 2022

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Human-centered development and expanding quality of life In a planet of 8 billion people, with finite natural resources, life looks very different for those lucky enough to be economically prosperous. Billions of people right now are living in circumstances that sharply limit their aspirations, of material deprivation, of limited access to healthcare and many of…

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Before the Taps Run Dry

by Anera

Jul 25, 2022

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Responding to Gaza’s Existential Water Crisis The semi-arid Middle East suffers from a chronic scarcity of water. The causes are many: climate change, drought, desertification, urbanization, over-consumption, waste and pollution. Politics also can present special challenges when it comes to accessing and distributing water resources. In Gaza, many of these issues are present in an…

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Fundraising is an Art

by Anera

May 25, 2022

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Hanin Azzam Talks about Crowdfunding in the Middle East This is the third entry in our series highlighting Arab youth change-makers. Read the first piece in the series, an interview with Sandy Boutros, and the second piece, with journalist Tahreer Mortaga on her community space and yoga studio in Gaza. Hanin Azzam is a regional…

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