Expanding Educational Opportunities in Gaza

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Adapted remarks delivered by Sean Carroll at the ceremony marking the completion of the expansion of the Rosary Sisters School in Gaza.

It is a great pleasure for me to be back in Gaza today for this wonderful occasion. To celebrate the completion of the new floor at the Rosary Sisters School. Hearing just now from a student from this school about what it means to her tells the story.

I would like to thank the USAID/West Bank Gaza Mission Director and her team for their support and dedication in providing tangible community infrastructure development projects so critical to meet the needs and aspirations of Palestinian families and communities. I want to recognize Anera’s country director, and the real stars of this partnership: Anera’s PCID team here in Gaza. And of course the PCID team at USAID.

Also, a big thank you to our partner the Rosary Sisters School for all their effort and hard work in making this project a successful and impactful one.

Through this partnership, Anera was able to provide additional classrooms for these high school students which means they can now graduate from this school, with their longtime classmates, friends and teachers.

Anera continues to provide sustainable projects throughout the West Bank and Gaza. We know that education has the power to transform lives and it builds the groundwork for a brighter future, and this is what we hope to see through the projects we deliver.

So far through this USAID-supported PCID Program, just in the education sector, we have built one brand new school and renovated and expanded eight others. We created 90 new or significantly improved classrooms, greatly enhancing the learning environment for more than 2,200 students.

Anera continues to provide other urgent community infrastructure and water projects where needed. In this USAID program, we recently finished the construction of an educational center and kindergarten here in Al Zawayda area, the complete renovation of the Gaza Sports Club and the upgrade of a water network in Beit Hanoun. We have a few more projects being implemented in other vulnerable areas in Gaza including three more water networks and the construction of an educational center. These community projects serve 200,000 people in Gaza.

These Palestinian community development projects are essential, and really the best if not the only way, to build equal measures of security, prosperity, freedom, and democracy among all who live here.

Again, it is a pleasure to be here today to celebrate with you the completion of this new floor. Alf mabrook to the students and teachers who can now stay together, in this cherished community, all the way to graduation.



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