Hope During Ramadan: Supporting Communities During Crisis

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For refugees and vulnerable communities in the Middle East, daily life is fraught with immense challenges. Yet, amidst these difficulties, our unwavering hope for a better future remains a powerful tool. With your generous support, we can turn this hope into tangible action, providing vital assistance to those facing unimaginable hardships.

In Gaza, where the humanitarian crisis continues to deepen, support from the Anera community has already made a significant impact. The war in Gaza has heightened concerns about food insecurity, particularly as Ramadan approaches. Anera’s long-standing presence in Gaza has enabled us to adapt our response to meet the evolving needs of the community. Through our six community kitchens, we are able to provide tens of thousands of hot meals a day to displaced families, ensuring they have sustenance to start and break their fasts during the holy month. Your donation can provide hot meals to those in need, offering a lifeline amid the crisis.

In Lebanon, the situation is also dire, with escalating violence amplifying existing challenges. Displaced families, especially Palestinian refugees in southern camps, are particularly vulnerable. Thanks to the support of generous donors, we immediately responded to increased demands for aid, providing food, hygiene, and winter assistance to those most affected. As Ramadan approaches, our focus will shift to alleviate food insecurity through food parcels and vouchers, offering solace and support to families during the upcoming holy month. Your support also helps provide employment opportunities for Palestinian youth in Lebanon who are living in refugee camps, allowing them to earn an income while serving their community.

In Jordan, our Ramadan efforts will provide families with hot meals and food vouchers, enabling families to meet their nutritional needs with dignity and autonomy. The delivery of hot meals will guarantee that families are still able to break their fasts even during power outages or when cooking fuel is scarce. Anera will employ women in a women-operated kitchen facility in East Amman to make the meals, providing them with a source of income and the chance to help their community during the holy month. The program aims to help families with disabilities, elderly persons, women-headed households, and families expecting or with newborns.

Your gift can help ensure that families in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Jordan have food on their tables as they observe Ramadan under difficult circumstances. Here’s how you can make an immediate impact:

  • $25 can provide a one-month supply of food and cash assistance to a displaced person
  • $50 can provide a family with 33 servings of hot, hearty chicken and rice meals
  • $120 can provide a month’s supply of food to a family of five
  • $200 can provide four families with 33 nutritious meals each
  • $300 can provide three displaced families with food parcels that will meet their nutritional needs for 5 days
  • $500 can provide 1,000 hot meals to displaced people through Anera’s community kitchens

Some links for more info:

Zakat Frequently Asked Questions

Zakat al-Fitr — Giving During Ramadan

What Is Zakat?

Zakat Giving



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