What Your Support Has Helped Accomplish One Year After The Beirut Blast

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One year ago today, the world watched in horror as one of the largest explosions in a populated area in history sent Lebanon further into crisis. Following nearly a year of protests against corruption, lockdowns amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and a severe economic collapse, the Beirut blast pushed an already struggling country closer to catastrophe.

Anera Beirut blast response map

Today, Beirut is still rebuilding, as the situation in Lebanon continues to worsen. Anera donors and staff got to work just hours after the explosion and have continued working ever since. People like you stepped up immediately, ready to provide crucial aid towards triage efforts the night of the explosion, in addition to sustained relief and repairs in the months after.

A facade of a Beirut building that Anera rehabilitated
A façade of a Beirut building that Anera rehabilitated.

In the year since the blast, thanks to the generous support of the Anera community, together we have accomplished the following:

Installed 189 water tanks in buildings damaged by the blast.

Distributed 11,200 hygiene kits and food parcels to affected families.

Delivered 85 shipments of medicines and healthcare supplies worth $53 million.

Distributed 865 infection, prevention, and control kits to positive COVID-19 cases.

Repaired 998 damaged houses and shops, with another 200 in progress.

However, Anera’s work to rebuild Beirut is far from finished. Electricity is scarce, petrol is in short supply, and hundreds of buildings still need extensive reconstruction. Your support allows us to continue repairing the homes of vulnerable families and rehabilitate the small businesses that make Beirut the special place that it is. So far, our Anera community has helped feed thousands of people amid ongoing food shortages and inflation that have pushed many families in Lebanon below the poverty line.

Our staff in Lebanon remains committed to restoring their communities in Beirut. Please consider donating to help bring much needed relief to those who continue to feel the effects of the August 4 explosion a year later. Thank you!



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