Volunteer with Anera
If you’re interested in any of the below opportunities, please contact the designated staff member, who can provide you with additional information and materials. Do you have other ideas of how to get involved and support Anera’s work? Contact us to discuss how we can work together to improve the lives of families in the West Bank, Gaza and Lebanon.
DISCLAIMER: Our offices in Palestine and Lebanon do not accept volunteers.
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
CFC is an annual workplace charity campaign that supports philanthropy and encourages federal employees to contribute to non-profit organizations that provide health and human services throughout the world. During the campaign season (September 1 - December 15), Anera is invited to participate in numerous CFC events across the country to raise awareness of our programs in Palestine and Lebanon. While Anera staff typically attend CFC events in the Washington DC area, we are looking for volunteers to table on our behalf in other areas of the country.
If interested, please contact Claire Walker at (202) 266-9700 or [email protected] for additional information.
Middle Eastern and Arab Festivals
Throughout the year, churches, mosques and local organizations across the country host festivals to bring together members of the community to celebrate Middle Eastern and Arab culture. From Syria Fest in DC to the Atlanta Arab Festival in Georgia, Anera staff have participated in countless festivals to connect with community members who share our passion for the Middle East but may not be familiar with our programs.
If you would like to table at a festival on behalf of Anera, or know of a festival near you, please contact Claire Walker at (202) 266-9700 or [email protected].
Alternative Gift Market
Alternative Gift Markets encourage meaningful and impactful gift-giving during the holiday season and highlight numerous local, national and international non-profit organizations that are committed to helping others. In lieu of purchasing material gifts, attendees contribute to participating charities, often in honor of family members, friends or loved ones. These markets provide opportunities for Anera representatives to chat one-on-one with people in the community and to spread the word about how our programs are making an impact in the Middle East.
Interested in participating in an Alternative Gift Market? Please contact us at (202) 266-9700 or [email protected].
Connect With Us & Organize
Our supporters are self starters! Many have taken it upon themselves to organize an event with their faith or school community to fundraise for Anera programs. We love to be invited into the communities of our supporters and donors.
Place of Worship
While Anera is not affiliated with any one faith, Anera has a long history of partnerships with organizations representing the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish faiths. There are many connections between Anera’s mission and faith-based organizations’ missions, and we would love to explore these intersections in partnership. In the past, faith groups have hosted presentations by Anera staff, collected special offerings dedicated to Anera’s programs, hosted fundraising dinners, and more.
To connect Anera with your faith-based organization, please contact Jainelle Blenhyne-Gaillard at (202) 266-9721 or [email protected].
Student Organizations
Anera has collaborated with numerous student-led initiatives and campus organizations over the years to spread awareness of our programs in the Middle East. At Anera, we are committed to connecting with like-minded groups that share our passion and mission, and with your support, we can have a greater impact on the communities we serve across Palestine and Lebanon. In the past, student groups have hosted fundraising events or invited Anera staff for presentations on our vital health, education and economic development programs.
To find out more about how your student organization can partner with Anera, please contact Haley Gerlofs at (202) 266-9718 or [email protected].
Local Anera Events
Anera organizes several local and regional events throughout the year, from our iftars during Ramadan to our Annual Dinner in the fall. We often connect with individuals and organizations from the communities in which we host our events, to both expand our impact and increase awareness of our programs. If you would like to get involved, whether through promoting our events or helping the night of, we would love to hear from you.
Please contact Haley Gerlofs at (202) 266-9718 or [email protected].