Press Release

Anera CEO Sean Carroll Receives InterAction’s Julia Vadala Taft Outstanding Leadership Award

Sean at the podium accepting the award.

June 27, 2024 | Washington, DC — The humanitarian and development coalition, InterAction, today awarded Anera President and CEO Sean C. Carroll with the 2024 Julia Vadala Taft Outstanding Leadership Award.

The award recognizes Carroll for his “unwavering leadership to support the people of Gaza, advocate greater action within our sector, and influence policy change within the U.S. government.”

Carroll said today,

“I am deeply humbled. At the same time, I am grateful for the recognition that leadership – not mine alone, but that of all my colleagues at Anera and so many at InterAction as well – in the pursuit of the world’s better angels is needed now more than ever. In the midst of unimaginable tragedy and failure of political leadership that starts wars and keeps them going, this award buoys us in the battle for humanity.”

The annual award, named after the noted humanitarian and former InterAction president, is intended to honor “outstanding and distinguished leaders in the U.S. NGO community whose career and vision have transcended their own organization by raising the influence and effectiveness of the U.S. NGO sector.”

Anera, under Sean’s leadership, has been one of the most effective humanitarian responders on the ground in Gaza, delivering more than 29 million meals, nearly seven million treatments of medicines, 58,000 packs of menstrual pads, 334 psychosocial sessions and more since the war began in early October 2023.




For more information:

In Washington

Steven Fake
Media Relations Officer
[email protected]
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About InterAction

Founded in 1984, InterAction is the largest U.S.-based alliance of international NGOs and partners. The organization coordinates advocacy for international global development and humanitarian assistance delivered worldwide.

About Anera

Since 1968, Anera has helped refugees and others hurt by conflicts in the Middle East live with dignity and purpose. Anera, which has no political or religious affiliation, works on the ground with partners in the West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem, Lebanon, and Jordan. We mobilize resources for immediate humanitarian relief and for sustainable health, education, and economic development efforts. Our staff are from the communities they serve, navigating the politics that constrict progress to get help where it’s needed most. We will keep building better lives until hope finds its way in the Middle East.