Operation Change
A new Oprah Winfrey television production produced a documentary about Lebanon and featured Anera as a valuable non-profit working there.
Watch the video.Community Meetings in Nahalin on Water Project
Anera holds series of community consultations in West bank on infrastucture projects. Read the stories in: , Al Hayat.
MaanCommunity Meetings in Bill’in for Water and School Projects
Anera holds series of community consultations in West Bank for infrastructure projects. Read the stories in: , Maan.
Al WatanAnera’s Work with Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon
Anera president Bill Corcoran and director of donor development Hani Almadhoun talk about Anera’s work on The Bridge, a popular TV show on Al Jazeera English.
Watch the video on Al Jazeera.Anera Presents Early Childhood Development
Anera’s manager for the early childhood development program Sulieman Mleahat discusses the program, from its inception to the great strides Anera has made in mapping out a strategy for ECD in West Bank and Gaza.
Watch the video of his presentation at Brookings Institution.Refugees and Caregivers in Lebanon
Anera writes about the relief program, funded by UMCOR, that is helping to ease the burden for refugee families who have fled the Syrian conflict and found shelter in Lebanon.
Read the story on UMCOR’s site.Anera Inaugurates West Bank Preschools
Anera completed major renovations on the preschools in the West Bank communities of Beit Mirsim and Anab Al Kabir, with funding from Dubai Cares. Watch a clip about the inauguration ceremony on .
Dubai TVSyrian Crisis is Creating a Lost Generation
Anera’s director of donor development Hani Almadhoun writes a compelling commentary about the plight of Palestinian refugees from Syria after visiting Lebanon’s refugee camps where they are sheltering in dire conditions.
Read the commentary on Huffington Post.Palestinian Authority Inaugurates New Preschool
The Ministry of Education officially opens the first preschool class within an existing government elementary school, which was designed and constructed by Anera.
Read the story in El Watan Voice.Lebanon: Healing the Hurt Among Refugee Children
With a new grant from UMCOR, Anera is helping to ease the plight of pre-school age children in Burj El Barajneh and Ein El Helweh camps in Lebanon.
Read the story on UMCOR's siteHelping Refugees From Syria in Lebanon
Anera Lebanon Country Director Samar El Yassir and Director of Donor Development Hani Almadhoun talk about the humanitarian assistance for refugees from Syria’s conflict on Radio SouriaLi.
Listen to interview (from :10)Living in a Horror Movie: Gaza
Anera communications officer in Gaza writes what it is like to raise and protect a family in Gaza in the middle of conflict. , Read an oped about her journal on OpedNews, Read some of her journal on NPQ
Read the story on salon.comWhat Does Normal Mean in Gaza?: My Word
Anera Gaza communications officer Rania Elhelo describes the difficult and challenging conditions that Gazans are suffering in this column for the Orlando Sentinel.
Read the story at the Orlando Sentinel.Living Gaza’s Horror from Beyond its Borders
Anera director of development, who is from Gaza, describes what it’s like to follow the Gaza conflict and his family’s suffering from a distance.
Read the commentary on HuffpostMedical Aid Reaches Gaza Before Borders Close
Just before the violence in Gaza escalated Direct Relief was able to get its shipment of vital medicines to Gaza hospitals, thanks to Anera. .
Read the story on Direct Relief websiteHPIC Mobilizes to Respond to Gaza Humanitarian Crisis
HPIC is in the process of initiating a global response to this desperate humanitarian situation in coordination with its partners in the UK and Gaza. In Gaza, one of these partners is Anera – one of the few international organizations that consistently gets health care and humanitarian supplies into Gaza.
Read the story on HPIC website.Where is Accountability for Gaza’s Children?
The compelling piece about the vulnerability of Gaza’s children during the war includes Anera president Bill Corcoran’s observations about their special challenges and their needs.
Read the story on Al Jazeera’s website.End of Israeli Blockade, Key to Start Rebuilding Gaza
The reconstruction of Gaza relies on opening access into Gaza for the raw materials, as Anera president Bill Corcoran explains in this article about Gaza’s reconstruction.
Read the story on devex.com.Kuwait Donates $1 Million to Anera to Help Palestinian Children
For the fourth year, Kuwait has donated $1 million for Anera’s work with Palestinian children in the West bank and Gaza. , Arab Daily News.
Read the story on KUNAGaza Donors Want Assurances Cycle of War is Broken
Donors gather in Egypt to talk about how to fund the reconstruction of Gaza in the wake of the summer’s bombings. Anera’s Paul Butler talks about the challenges head for rebuilding Gaza on NPR.
Listen to the story on NPR.You Can’t Print a Photo From Outer Space
Website offering scarves with special design of Gaza as seen from space has designated Anera as a recipient of funds from its Dignity Fund. .
Read the story on GOOD Magazine onlineEverything Needed in Gaza Depends on Israeli Approval
In an article about Gaza’s reconstruction needs after the war, Anera president Bill Corcoran talks about challenges for NGOs operating there.
Read the story in Arab News.New Public Park Opened in El Bireh
The latest Al Bayyara park is opened in West Bank town of El Bireh.
Read the story in Al Watan Newspaper.Unsung Heroes of the Gaza War: A (Very) Partial List
Haaretz blogger Bradley Burston lists Anera among those he offers thanks for “helping people for whom the war struck with devastating impact and profound tragedy.”
Read the story at Haaretz.