Simple, smart and cost-effective practices to protect health and foster self-reliance
Anera’s health education materials are about simple, smart and cost-effective practices that people living in marginalized and poor communities can do to protect their health and foster self reliance. Some materials feature fun, friendly and people-centered actions that local groups and non-profits can organize in the spirit of shared vision, partnerships, common action, building on assets and creating/sustaining change.

Treating Chronic Diseases
This is an awareness guide on treating chronic diseases, part of Anera's Dignity Project, which facilitates access to essential medicines for treating chronic conditions in Lebanon (in Arabic).

Menstrual Health & Hygiene Brochure
Anera created this brochure to distribute to girls and young women in refugee camps in Lebanon as a means to raise awareness about menstrual health and hygiene. [Arabic]

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Brochure
This brochure, created to complement a project that will connect Gaza households to water, offers information on personal hygiene and how to prevent water-borne diseases, parasites, scabies and lice. [Arabic]

Windows to Health Toolkit
“Windows to Health” is a comprehensive health toolkit that presents information on a range of health topics specifically catered for Syrian, Palestinian and Lebanese youth.The toolkit includes 21 health topics that fall under 6 themes deemed by youth to be of the highest priority.

Family Hygiene Brochure
This brochure presents information about personal and family hygiene as a means to create a healthy environment at home and to avoid illnesses. It contains advice on housecleaning practices and safe food handling.

Winter Illness Brochure
Information on winter illnesses, specifically the cold and flu. This brochure explains the signs and symptoms of each, advises on treatment and recovery methods, and addresses the responsible use of medication.

Smart Shopping and Nutrition Brochure
Advice on how to adopt healthy eating habits for the family while working with a budget. This brochure covers the different food groups, the essential nutrients that can be acquired from each, and healthy examples.

Scabies Brochure
Information about scabies, what causes this skin infection, and treatment options. Scabies is a contagious condition and commonly found in overcrowded areas.

Lice Brochure
General information about lice, how they spread, detection methods, and treatment regimes to follow.

Lice and Scabies Booklet
With the influx of Palestinian refugees from Syria, cases of lice and scabies are on the rise in Lebanon’s camps. This booklet educates about steps to take to avoid these skin conditions.

Preventing Parasites
Information on intestinal parasites: detection, methods of eradication and good hygiene practices that families can adopt to prevent their spread.

Rational Use of Antibiotics Handout
Antibiotics are easy to get in Lebanon and are often used incorrectly. This handout illustrates the problems and solutions.

Rational Use of Medicine Cards
This set cards of card for health campaigns includes information about how medications can hurt if used in the wrong way.

No Smoking Posters
These no-smoking posters feature a girl and boy character to appeal to children so they are warned about the dangers of smoking starting from an early age.

No Smoking Sign
In addition to cigarettes, Anera’s no-smoking signs feature the narghileh (hookah or shisha), since this popular pastime is dangerous to people’s health.

Healthy Habits Maze
The healthy habits maze maps out the good habits for children to follow to the center finish line and the bad habits to avoid along the way.

Aqua Dunia Healthy Habits Game
The healthy habits game is a great tool for teaching kids what good habits to follow and what bad habits to avoid.

Breast Cancer Awareness Booklet (English)
The brochure in English explains early detection practices, which include self breast exams and early screening.

Breast Cancer Awareness Booklet (Arabic)
The brochure in Arabic explains early detection practices, which include self breast exams and early screening.