Jun, 2008
On June 1, 2008, Anera’s Milk for Preschoolers Program celebrated World Milk Day.
This event gave the children of Gaza the chance to feel connected with kids living all over the world, as many countries recognize this special day.
The Gaza celebration included many activities. Kids enjoyed drinking milk and singing about how important it is for their growth. Teachers and parents joined in, glad to celebrate just before the long summer break.
Because Gaza’s borders have been sealed for a year, materials of all sorts are in short supply. At this celebration, Anera’s Milk for Preschoolers field coordinator reused milk and biscuit cartons to make colorful banners. The kids and teachers also used cartons to make caps.
This is the first time the Milk for Preschoolers Program celebrated World Milk Day, an annual event promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.