Supporting Al Ahli Hospital in the Palestinian West Bank
Apr, 2021
Medical aid is especially vital in the midst of the pandemic
It is early in the morning at Al Ahli Hospital in the Hebron Governorate of the West Bank and Dr. Fawaz Abu Khalaf is making his rounds. He checks in on Awad, one of his patients who just underwent spinal surgery.
“The surgery is done and I feel good,” Awad says. “They removed the cartilage. I was nervous beforehand. I’m so relieved that, praise be to God, everything went well.”
Anera recently donated saline solution, courtesy of Americares, to Al Ahli Hospital. Saline is an essential supply in hospitals, and Al Ahli uses it on a daily basis.
“Normal saline is one of the most important and effective solutions” that the hospital always needs to have on hand, Khalaf says.
Khalaf, who heads the hospital’s pharmacy and medical warehouse, says,

“This donation was so beneficial, especially because we are short of resources and facing difficult circumstances due to the coronavirus.”
“We have had a lot of difficulty in getting shipments of supplies because of the lockdowns,” he says. Khalaf credits Anera for “playing an active role in providing such supplies.”
“Anera has stood firmly by our side and has played a magnificent role in supporting this hospital [Anera helped establish the hospital in 1988]. We hope that donors keep us in mind when they donate to Anera.”

Thanks to a medical aid donation from Americares, Anera recently distributed 5,880 bags of saline solution to eight hospitals and clinics in the West Bank. Anera delivered 980 bags from this shipment to Al Ahli Hospital.
And in Gaza, Anera has delivered saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution, 1,000 ml) and Ringer’s solution to 13 clinics and hospitals. Americares generously donated the solution and funded the shipping costs.