May, 2018
"Not only has the work been rewarding emotionally, but working with TOMS has allowed me to fulfill the needs of my family during these tough economic times."
Because of the blockade and severe damage to infrastructure, Gaza suffers from a depleted economy and lack of jobs. Hajar, a mother of six who lives in the middle of Gaza, recently sat down with Anera’s Rania Elhelo to talk about why she loves working with TOMS and Anera as a coordinator and how the temporary job helps her family financially.
“Jobs in Gaza are so rare and this affects every aspect of our life.
Let me tell you why I love my work with TOMS. I love that this job has allowed me to work and interact with preschool children. To be able to get out of the house and actually make a difference means the world to me. I have been privileged to work with TOMS for the past seven years when they distribute shoes in Gaza. We’ve grown together and I have learned about team spirit, cooperation, love and giving through this work.
Giving a pair of shoes to a poor child is what drives me. When we distribute shoes, we never stop thinking about the impact they might have on the children who receive them. Especially when we measure the children's feet and hand them their new pair of shoes.
Not only has the work been rewarding emotionally, but working with TOMS has allowed me to fulfill the needs of my family during these tough economic times. My husband is unemployed, as are many other workers in Gaza who were laid off after the construction industry collapsed. So this job really helps. The income I earn in the 45 days of distribution is my whole yearly income. We are fairly paid and I am able to make it last.
My dream for the future is that peace will eventually prevail and that TOMS will expand its work in Gaza so that I will have more time to work with them on this great project. What we are doing is very significant, creating jobs in this horrible economy is invaluable as there are no other alternatives in Gaza.
Finally, my wish for the children of Gaza: An educated generation that is able to change the reality of Gaza. I wish for them a life that is full of success and prosperity. I’ll never give up my hope for them!”
Thanks to our generous donor and partner TOMS Shoes, over the last seven years, Anera has delivered shoes and boots to tens of thousands of refugee children in Gaza and Lebanon.