2021 STATS



Palestinian families had their homes connected to water networks in Gaza.


water purification systems installed at community centers in Gaza.


awareness classes provided about waterborne illness, hygiene, and COVID-19 prevention in Gaza.


Addressing the Water Crisis

The semi-arid Middle East suffers from a chronic lack of water caused by climate change, drought, growing cities, over-consumption and waste.

Pollution caused by raw sewage and rising seawater makes 90 percent of Gaza’s water unfit to drink. Nearly 10 percent of Palestinian communities in the West Bank have no access to piped potable water systems. When Palestine water networks are destroyed during periods of violence, dire water shortages leave millions of people wondering when they’ll get the next drop.

For four decades, water access and sewage management have been at the heart of Anera’s work. Our engineers know the range and scope of the problems their communities face and have the expertise to fix them. We erect reservoirs, repair and expand water networks, renovate sewage systems, connect hospitals and clinics to water, invest in innovative irrigation systems and install clean toilets in preschools.

Anera also ensures that families are educated in water, sanitation and hygiene practices, to prevent illness caused by water-borne diseases. In the event of an emergency, Anera is quick to respond by fueling desalination plants and pumping stations, refilling communal water tanks and delivering bottles of water where they’re needed most.

Gaza's water resources

are not safe to drink.

90% of water in Gaza is unfit for consumption due to high levels of salinity and nitrates.


don't get enough water to meet daily needs.

Poor infrastructure and leaking pipes exacerbate the problem.

You can help

families access water and other vital resources.


Anera just installed a reverse osmosiswater filtration unit and solar power system at the Patients Friends Society Hospital in Gaza City thanks to generous funding from Humanity First UK. The filtration system will provide safe water for the hospital as well as a public fountain for the surrounding community.


Press Release

Anera Launches Ramallah Wastewater Reuse Project

Blog Post

Updates from Gaza for Water Day